also forgot to take WAY to many pictures due to the relatively high temperature and need for power resting.
undocumented Highlights:
this is not totally true, but the exit does feature both restaurants in very close proximity so you can mix and match a meal. we got 5 chicken sandwiches from the CFA, and then went next store for some sides and beverages... Large Sweet Teas and PICNIC SIZE DIRTY RICE. so jammed.
Lantern restaurant in Chapel Hill - Gourmet goodness. Pickled plate rocked the mind.
Carrburitos - highly jammable
sunshine biscuits with chicken and neil's deli biscuits with pastrami(!?!?!) totally insane.
Wildest Biscuit experience goes to TIME OUT in chapel hill:
all told us to rock the chicken and biscuit w/ cheese. This means they take a full fried chicken breast, menacingly chop it off the bone in one shot, and put it on a biscuit. It is stupid and wonderful. The also offer a menu item called "bucket of bones" which answers the question of what happens to the rest of the chicken breast they just chopped up for your sandwich. also everyone there is drunk. also it was 3 am. but still we are talking intense blackout drunk in a fried chicken place that has TWO security guards on staff. impressive.
more fried chicken was consumed on something called the Picnic Plate at Carrborro's Crooks Corner.
impressive in scale alone, it was 3 pieces of chicken, 2 deviled eggs, a platter of egg/potato salad, loose tomatoes and Pepperoncinis, and a QUARTER of a watermelon. and i think a side salad. it was intense.
we jammed it:
and in the most jammable desserts ever category, special awards go to the astounding LOCOPOPS chain of North Carolina. I don't really even understand this place, but they just sell ice pops and they totally rule and they are crazy flavors like lime cherry and chocolate pretzel and lavender pancake and boysenberry unicorn and popcorn lithium rickey and laser fudge ripple and dr. house guest starring on CSI.
here are lots of them:
here is one of them:
thanks NC.
sorry we jammed you so hard.